Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Morning Dumplings

Do you like dumplings? Hope so – I’ve got some big fat ones for you. To cover a wide range of topics, I will serve it all up to you in the form of Friday Dumplings! (Like Mike Fisher’s Donuts over at  

Read on to hear about some overdue bad luck, another typhoon, some educational field trips, a new way of dealing with mosquitoes, identifying poisonous leaves using water, and more…

Friday, October 15, 2010

Yep, I could live here someday...

A few Sundays ago, with time to spare and the day to myself, my only objective was to make the three-hour coastal drive back up to Hualien, and hopefully catch some waves along the way. Little did I know that many factors would combine to deliver the best and heaviest day of surfing I’ve ever experienced.

I borrowed a beaten up 9 foot longboard with no leash from the nice folks in Taitung that Ruth is staying with, and it fit with an inch to spare into the car Fish lent me. I went to a hardware store, and for under $3, I bought some materials to fashion a leash. With no idea of where to go, and no information about current swell reports or tide heights, I headed north, periodically popping over on little paths to check the waves.

For the first half hour, all the paths led to duds – flat spots, dead ends, and private residences guarded by mean looking dogs. Finally, I found one with a few cars, and an American scanning the horizon for waves. His name was J.B. and was originally from Virginia; now living in Taiwan. At the time I didn’t know how lucky I was to have met him. I was just glad to find a guy to surf with - it’s safer that way.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Fishfood For Thought

In a previous post, I told you about my good fortune in meeting a guy I call Fish, who is now my neighbor. Along with solving all my logistical problems in one fell swoop, he has quickly become a good friend and mentor.
I don’t directly work with Fish, but we swim and eat together, so have plenty of time to talk. A lot of it revolves around the idea of people finding paths where they can achieve their goals (for production, profit, sanitation, etc.) while minimizing or eliminating harmful environmental impact. There are many names for the various forms of this, call it what you will: Recent buzzwords include “green building” and “sustainable development”; in my home state the slogan goes - “Don’t mess with Texas”; Growing up, “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” became popular; Mufasa’s ghost warns young Simba to rejoin “The Circle of Life”. You get my drift. They are all talking about the same thing - in everything we do and create, there is a right way, and a wrong way. Actually, I should say: there is one optimal solution amongst many (mostly bad) options. People will go after what they need and want. We need/want food, stuff, energy for our stuff, and happiness. So we need agriculture, factories, power plants, and for the Mavericks to win a championship. The last one is easy (Free Roddy B!), but the others require some intelligence. Fortunately we are considered “intelligent life forms” - supposedly even more so than dolphins and octopi! Let me give you some concrete examples that come from Fish’s experiences, after I tell you why I respect the guy so darn much.